
Jan 18th, 2025

Week 1 (Jan 18)  Recap
Welcome Back from the Winter Break! We were delighted to hear the students share their exciting stories about their winter break adventures! The theme for this term is “Health and Living”, and to kick things off, we explored daily routines during Week 1. Let’s take a look at what each group accomplished this week!


EY 1 (Ms Mashal)

We learned about our daily routines in English! First we recounted what each of us do everyday and found out that we all have many things in common! Then we learned the English words for those actions and put them in order from 1-9. We also did our daily worksheets and started working on writing the letter m and n. We had so much fun playing games, reading and learning today!


EY 2 (Ms Meghan) :
It was so wonderful to see everyone after a break!

We learned about our daily routines and made a booklet about our daily routines. 

We were introduced to easy sight words and sounding out CVC words - we are starting to learn to read!

After some outdoor play and yoga we  enjoyed reading and singing to end the day. This term is going to be great!






EY 3 (Ms Guitar) :
We talked about what we do in our daily routines and categorized the time of day for each activity. We also learned simple shapes and building them with Legos. Afterward, we cut paper into the shapes to decorate our New Year’s snake.


PY 4 (Ms Cindy)

we got to know each other by doing some icebreaker activities and playing games. We watched a PowerPoint presentation to introduce us to Saturday School. In Art class we made Heart maps about ourselves and after lunch we had movement, played Freeze Dance and had Language class.


PY5 (Mr Travis) :
We spoke about a few current events such as LA fires & the Chinese New Year! We watched videos about those events & answered some follow up questions. The theme for today was Daily Routines (weekday) & the students drew & designed pictures depicting various daily occurrences.


Dec 21st, 2024

Week 8 (Dec 21)  Recap
As the fall term comes to an end, we celebrated our learning journey together. A big thank you to all the parents who joined us for this special occasion! Let’s take a look at how we spent our final day of the term.
秋学期が終わりを迎え、これまでの学びを一緒に振り返る「Celebration of Leaning」を開催しました。ご参加いただいた保護者の皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!最終日の様子をぜひご覧ください。

Celebration of Leaning:
We showcased exhibitions of our kids' work to share how they learned and what they achieved this term. The PY and EY groups also performed a short Christmas song.

In the meantime, we invited a special guest—Santa Claus—to join in the fun! Our students asked Santa some thoughtful questions like, "What do you have for breakfast?" and "What are you going to do after Christmas?" Santa also prepared special presents for everyone!

Although the performance was short, we hope you enjoyed our kids' hard work. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!




PY group

EY 1:
Today was a really fun last day for EY1. We started off with playtime and slowly transitioned to handwriting time. We also all decorated our classroom Christmas tree craft together and saw it come to life with all the sparkles! We then did some Christmas coloring, indoor exercise, and lastly, we went to the library to read quietly before our big performance for the Celebration of Learning. The students were very excited to show their parents what they had been up to throughout the term. Happy holidays!


EY 2:
Today, we continued learning about pollution from last week and discussed simple solutions to help address pollution at home, such as sorting trash correctly. Afterward, we practiced separating different types of trash by placing them into the correct bins.


PY 3 :
We had an amazing day at Saturday School! Santa Claus made a surprise visit and brought gifts for everyone! We performed our song, "O Christmas Tree", and it was a joyful moment to share with everyone. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


PY 4 :
For our final lesson of the year, we played a lively game of Fruit Basket—congratulations to Miyu and Yuuna for winning! We also reviewed pollution and watched an informative video on YouTube. The students rehearsed their Christmas song a few more times with PY3.


Dec 16th, 2024

Week 7 (Dec 14)  Recap
As we approach the last school date of the term, our students have exciting practices for the performance as well as worked hard for the assessment. Let’s have a quick recap of the week.


EY 1:
Today in EY1, we focused on learning about different types of animals. We reviewed the words we learnt last week and worked hard on our handwriting practice. We also did some nice exercise after snack time to make up for the time. To prepare for our exhibition next week, we worked very hard on our class Christmas tree craft. The students are very excited to show their parents what they’ve created throughout the term. 


EY 2:
Today in EY2 we learned all about pollution in our air, water and land and did an exercise separating things that are good and bad for our planet.  We finished our beautiful Christmas tree craft, and practiced our Christmas song.  We are looking forward to next week!


PY 3 & PY 4 :
Today we have a combine class. We read and discussed a funny book by Dr. Seuss, "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish".  We learned about ways we can help the environment and we watched a film called "What is Pollution?" We played basketball and dodgeball in the gym and we practice our Christmas song!

今日は合同クラスでした。ドクター・スースの面白い本「One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish」を読み、議論しました。環境を助ける方法について学び、「What is Pollution?」という映画を見ました。体育館でバスケットボールとドッジボールをし、クリスマスソングの練習もしました!

Dec 7th, 2024

Week 6 (Dec 7)  Recap

As we step into December, our days are becoming busier and more exciting as we approach the end of the term. Let’s take a moment to enjoy the wonderful memories we created this week!

EY 1:
Today in EY 1 we focused on everyday materials and natural resources. We learned the words ‘soft’ and ‘hard’. To reinforce the vocabulary, we did a really fun categorizing activity where we put them together according to how they feel. We also played a fun number matching game in the morning where the students had to actively count and match the number to the correct objects. Once again we also did some fun exercise games as a class to get our blood flowing!


EY 2:
This week, we welcomed a special guest, Ms. Anna, who guided us in exploring natural resources like the sun, water, and trees. In the afternoon, we had a fantastic time practicing our song and working on our themed craft projects in preparation for the celebration!


PY 3 & Group A (afternoon) :
Today in Group 3 we read a book called "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss. We talked about how we can help  the earth and protect the environment.  In Art class we made mini Christmas houses out of recycled materials.

今日は、グループ3でドクター・スースの「Hop on Pop」を読みました。そして、地球を守るために私たちができることについて話し合いました。アートクラスでは、リサイクル素材を使ってミニクリスマスハウスを作りました。

PY 4 & Group B (afternoon):
Today we learned about natural resources & the brick that we made came out in perfect condition! We also made crowns that we’ll wear during the X-mas performance!!


Nov 30th, 2024

Week 5 (Nov 30)  Recap

It’s so exciting to welcome the last month of the year! As we enter the second half of this fall term, let’s take a look at what our kids learned this week.


EY 1:
This week, we explored different materials during sensory activities, identifying whether they were soft or hard after our circle time. We also used one of the materials we discussed to create a colorful Christmas tree craft.


EY 2:
Today was a busy day!  We learned about different materials, how they feel and where we can find them. 

After lunch we got some fresh air then headed to the art room to start our craft.  After that we practiced our Christmas song, did some yoga, and ended the day in the library.  So fun!


PY 3 & Group A (afternoon) :
Today in Group 3 we learned all about colors and we read a book called "A Rainbow Around Me". We played word matching games and "I Spy With My Little Eye".  We talked about everyday materials and discussed what materials we can reuse to make a Christmas village.  In Art class we had fun painting paper rolls for our Christmas village!

今週のグループ3は「色」をテーマに学び、A Rainbow Around Meという本を読みました。単語マッチングゲームや「I Spy With My Little Eye」をして遊びました。日常的な素材について話し合い、クリスマスビレッジを作るために再利用できるアイテムについてアイデアを出し合いました。アートの時間には、クリスマスビレッジ用に紙筒をペイントしました!

PY 4 & Group B (afternoon):
Today we learned about everyday things around the house & out in nature. We made paper snowflakes & tried our hand at making a sand block out of dirt, leaves & water. Next week, we’ll check to see if it has solidified!


Nov 17th, 2024

Week 4 (Nov 16)  Recap

Welcome back after the fall break! The weather has been quite unpredictable recently, hasn’t it? Let’s take a look at what each group learned this week!


EY 1:
We focused on weather and we learned new vocabulary words related to the topic. To remember the words, we used our craft of the week (a weather wheel) to play a matching game. The students had to match the picture of the weather to the correct hint on the wheel. We also talked about what different types of weather Japan usually has. To get our blood flowing, we did some indoor exercise as well as playing some games together as a class!


EY 2:
We continued to learn about the weather in different seasons as well as extreme weather.  The students practiced tracing and writing their ABC’s during language focus.  Then after lunch we did baby yoga, made a raindrop craft, and finished off the day reading in the library.


PY 3 & Group A (afternoon) :
We talked about extreme weather and what we can do to keep ourselves safe in extreme weather.  We went on a Nature Walk together and collected many colored leaves.  Then in Art class we made leaf press pictures ! 


PY 4 & Group B (afternoon):
We learned about extreme types of weather and wrote sentence’s briefly explaining one type of weather. We also did an experiment showing how when the wind blows the pollen transfers to other flowers.


Nov 3rd, 2024

Week 3 (Nov 2)  Recap

With the weather cooling down, it’s the perfect time to explore seasons and extreme weather. This week, each group dove into learning about weather safety, seasonal changes, and fun crafts. Keep warm, everyone, and take a look at what our students created!


EY 1:
Today in EY1 our topic was extreme weather and we learned about plants that survive in harsh weather. We made cactus crafts by hand painting for our art time. Our circle time was focused on recognizing capital and lowercase letters and we also played lots of exercise games to get our blood flowing during the rainy day!


EY 2:
In today’s class we learned all about the weather in different seasons.  We talked about our favorite season and painted a picture of it.

Also, we leaned about extreme kinds of weather around the world, as well as in Japan.


PY 3 & Group A (afternoon) :
Today we learned about the seasons, extreme weather and how to keep safe in all kinds of weather.  In art class we had fun making bead jewelry!  At the end of the day we had a trivia contest on all the words we have been learning!


PY 4 & Group B (afternoon):
Today the class learned about different types of extreme weather & the effects on the day to day routine. Afterwards we created a pamphlet or flyer using the weather vocabulary with a sentence and picture depicting what to do or not to do!


Oct. 27th, 2024

Week 2 (Oct 26)  Recap

Happy Halloween! Did you get many candies during trick or treat? Here’s a quick recap for each group:


EY 1:
Today as part of our Halloween celebration, we made bouncy pumpkins, learnt a Halloween dance and went trick or treating around the school! We also did our usual handwriting practice to help students get used to writing  and lastly, we played abc matching games after our circle time!


EY 2:
Today was a fun celebration of Halloween!  We decorated bags to collect candy and then we went trick-or-treating!  We also went on a nature walk and learned to identify different parts of plants!  Happy Halloween!


PY 3 & Group A (afternoon) :
Today we learned about plants and what plants need to grow.  We took a tour of the KIS garden and planted seeds.  For Halloween we participated in the custom of trick or treating


PY 4 & Group B (afternoon):
Today we did Trick or Treating and the students also made their own Columbian mask!!


Oct. 20th, 2024

Week 1 (Oct 19)  Recap

Welcome back to KIS Saturday School! How was your first day?Here’s a quick recap for each group:


EY 1:
We started the day with playtime to help students settle in, followed by handwriting practice during table time. Advanced students tackled more challenging worksheets. After snack and circle time focusing on letter recognition, we set up an indoor obstacle course, played an alphabet game, and finished with an art activity where children made self-portraits.


EY 2:
We kicked off the term by learning all about fruits and vegetables. The children had fun exploring and identifying different kinds. We also explored the gym and library, where the students enjoyed physical activities and story time.

PY 3:
We played some games to get to know each other better and learned about plants by reading National Geographic Kids: Seed to Plant. Many students were surprised to discover that cucumbers are actually a fruit!

みんなで仲良くなるために、いくつかのゲームをしました!「ナショナルジオグラフィック キッズ:たねから芽がでるまで」を読んで、植物や果物と野菜の違いについて学びました。きゅうりが実は果物だということに多くの生徒が驚きました!

PY 4:
We discussed various current events in the USA, which led to some engaging conversations. To help everyone get to know each other better, we played a few competitive games with candy rewards!


Oct 16th, 2024

2024 Fall term will be started on Oct 19th!

KIS Saturday School now has its own Instagram!
We’ll be sharing updates on the daily life of the program, so follow along to see all the exciting things happening!

Our Fall Term kicks off on October 19, 2024, with a brand-new curriculum designed to help students connect more with the world and support their future studies. 

We can’t wait to welcome our students back, hear all about their amazing holidays, and dive into a fantastic new school term together! Stay tuned! 




May. 29th, 2024

2023-24 KIS Saturday School Parents Survey


平素よりKIS Saturday Schoolの運営にご協力いただきありがとうございます。



Dear Parents

Thank you for your ongoing support for KIS Saturday School.

We appreciate your cooperation to filling up our Parents Survey.

This survey is designed to help us better understand your experiences with the program and identify areas where we can make improvements.  Wee value your input and appreciate the time you take to complete this survey.


KIS Saturday School

2023−24 KIS Saturday School Parents Survey




 If the parking is full, please do not enter, stop and drop off your child at parking.  Please find another coined parking in the neighborhood.  (Kuromon street has few big parkings.). We recommend to find parking lot little early when you come to pick up your child.



Please put your child's name on the child's belongings.  (Lunch box, water bottle, shoes, mask and etc.).   Please pack extra cloth (For young children), and extra mask.  (We have many student who lost their mask and broke string during recess times.  )


If your child's class is temporary closing on classroom, please do not attend Saturday school.

Thank you for your understanding and we are looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns please email  Ms. Matsui at

もし何かご質問等がありましたら松井(Saturday School事務担当)まお気軽にご連絡ください。
