KIS Saturday School
KIS Saturday School is designed for young learners aged 3 to 12 to enhance their English literacy while exploring their society and the world through inquiry-based learning.

Parent Handbook・ハンドブック
Saturday School 保護者各位
平素よりSaturday Schoolの運営にご協力いただき誠にありがとうございます。
先日、京都中央信用金庫西陣支店様、近隣住民の方々より当校Saturday Schoolの送迎時の駐車場利用に対し度重なる苦情が寄せられており、改善が見られない場合当校保護者の駐車場全面利用禁止が言い渡される可能性がございます。(中信さんのセキュリティーカメラによりお車も特定されております。)
Dear Saturday School Parents.
Thank you for your support.
We've received complaints about parking during pick-up and drop-off times at school. If this continues, we might not be able to use the parking lot anymore. The bank's security cameras have also identified the cars causing problems.
Please follow these rules:
Don't drop off or pass through the area near the parking lot behind the bank. Make sure to park your car when dropping off or picking up.
Don't let the parking block flip up when you park. Also, don't keep entering and exiting to avoid the free parking time limit.
Don't back out onto Horikawa Street.
If the parking lot is full, don't enter it and don't wait on Horikawa Street. Also, you can use nearby coin parking lots.
Thank you for your cooperation.